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A lot of years has gone by since the last great CS movie from team imlost.

After our great return to the professional CS stage alot of awesome headshot frags have been made. Alot have also been failed. Some with deagle…… (duncan).
BUT the best will be collected and will result in a new cs movie which will hit the cinemas all around the world (starting in Spain(legal rights, you know?(we dont))).

We had a talk with a well respected and known director who has many many big award winning movies under the belt. He had the following to say about the movie:

“The movie is awesome. There are some shiveringly good moments near the end, particularly when they killed all ze germans(t-side)”
– MIkkel “cookiemonster” Møller

You can see the trailer under our Media section:

The full frag movie can be excepted in the cinemas in 2017 at sometime. Wait? Maybe thats promissing to much?